Friday, October 19, 2007


So much have changed in just a couple of months. Since March 2007, my life have become a roller coaster of joy, love and fulfillment.

Six o'clock this morning and still fresh from bed, I woke my husband up with a birthday song and a surprise gift. He carefully opened up the present, not even tearing the gift wrap. I was so happy with the way he smiled. It's like giving a present to a young boy in a Christmas morning.

In less than a month, I will be a mother to a baby girl. I used to think that bearing a child would be so cute. But I swear, it's really a big sacrifice. With all those vomiting and heart burns... But of course, I'm equally excited as well as tensed when my due date comes. Oh, what a joy (and pain) that would be.

My baby must be my lucky charm because right now, I have the best job in the world. A job that's exciting and very fulfilling. I'm an investment analyst in a government corporation that has a social mandate of financing and serving SMEs. I never imagined that I could be in such control over a huge amount of money and be able to contribute to the revenues of the Corporation. Although my job poses so much tension during every transaction, it gives me so much fulfillment whenever I perform well. That's when I say "para sa bayan."

A good husband, an upcoming baby girl, the best job - what more can I ask for?

I do not know what lies ahead of me but I'm pretty sure that what I am now is what I have been dreaming of becoming when I was a kid.

Donnabee :: 12:56 PM :: 6 Comments:

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